A recent project, The Revolutionary Harvest: Using the Digital Story for Reflection, was designed to have students analyze and synthesize their last unit of study on the American Revolution. Students were asked to provide an in-depth and personal reflection on a topic where they were impacted by one of the two class texts: A People’s History by Howard Zinn and Birth of the Republic by Edmund Morgan.
Students were told that this was a creative project that would involve their use of art, music, and writing to create an insightful look into their struggles with the texts about the Revolutionary period in American history.
The students were asked to explore the topic as historians by finding at least one primary source document on the topic. They had to create a digital story to walk the viewer through their understanding of the American Revolution based on their exploration.
Students were required to cite all of their images and music, as well as citing Morgan, Zinn and whatever primary source material they used. The final citation could be in the presentation and/or provided in written form.
Students were asked to use PhotoStory, but they could use any other digital storytelling software (such as iMovie, Final Cut Pro, or MovieMaker) as long as they saved the final version as an .avi or .wmv file in the class dropbox.
Here are two examples of the students final work (Thank you James and Tori):
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