Thursday, January 22, 2009

LLS: Podcasting Book Reviews

Barbara Eilertsen, LMS at LLS, has been working with students to create podcasts with students in grades 3-5. These podcasts focus on students recording an entertaining, informative and persuasive marketing pitch for a book they recently read. Scripts are prepared by the students, and music is added after the recording session. Using Audacity software as the recording tool and First Class as the publishing tool, students have created 24 "Book Review Podcasts." These podcasts are available to the students through the LMC Blackboard page. Here is the RSS Feed if you would like to subscribe:
(You can subscribe to these Podcasts using Google Reader or iTunes and have every new podcast delivered to you! Just cut the RSS feed provided into the subscription field in Google Reader, iTunes or any other RSS Aggregator you have found.)

(Click on images for a better view.)

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